Friday, February 27, 2015

Iron Sharpens Iron

Proverbs 27:17

17 As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another.

     There are so many things about this trip that I will remember. So many things that will shape and change my future.  However, let it be said that one of the best elements of this trip had nothing to do with Haiti, or the Haitian people.  This trip wasn't just 8 days.  It was several months of planning and meeting with our team.  There are some real rocks on this team.  Folks who stand strong on the word of the Lord.  These people don't just talk about God as this mysterious person on the other side of the clouds.  He is someone they know well because they know him through his word. 

     Everyone on this trip taught me something, but I will be especially  grateful for two particular people.  Every father with daughters should be so blessed as I have been.  My two daughters got to spend a week talking to, working with, eating with, and praying with Pat Wiseman Jones.  This lady has a heart for God, and my daughters got to watch that up close and personal for 8 days.  Talk about an accelerated course in faith!

     Then there is the little giant!  Gene Hartman.  Gene was our leader on this trip.  He wore this responsibility on his sleeve, and it was a heavy weight on his shoulders.  Leading an international mission trip would never be an easy task, but it wasn't just 17 people.  It was 12 adults, and 5 teenagers.  Not an easy task. 

     I realized one thing very early with Gene.  You don't have to be the center of attention to lead.  You don't have to speak much to lead.  Just have integrity, and make your words count.  Gene can quickly cut through the unimportant stuff.  What does God want us to be focusing on right now?  Follow Gene, and you will be pointed in the right direction. 

     Gene is a great leader because no decision is made on his own wisdom.  Gene does everything through prayer and petition.  I learned by watching him every day.  I only hope Gene knows how much I grew to love him during this trip.  At the end of the day, everyone on this team was important to me.  I love each and every one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Kelly! It sounds like you all learned some great things and provided some much needed to help to the beautiful people in Haiti!
